My Blog List

Monday, August 31, 2009

night time is best for.... looking at the yard!

biting and fighting. no really, just playing


Me and Guido were fighting so mom locked ME in the bathroom. Whats up with that? Not like I care.

Guido being so freeking weird!

Pils will eat anything

Pils jumped up on the counter and ate some refried beans. I'm not sleeping anywhere NEAR him tonight incase he gets the farts!

mom finds it amusing to take pictures of me when I am resting

candy and food theme

sometimes wrappers are the best. They crinkle and smell great! I've been know to bring home wrappers with food IN them still but Mom isn't very interested in eating it.

lids and a piece of pipe

mom says this is the grossest thing ever! It was a lot of work to get it and I think it's pretty cool. It is a combination of LID and tube and food! Excellent!

this one was HEAVY! But I love lids so much!

Mom didn't let me keep it.

lids and stuff

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

sometimes mom forgets to feed me

I am sooooooo hungry. If I just look at her with big sad eyes, she may fill my food bowl.....

do you think mom will let me keep it?!

Pils was playing with it a minute ago. It is the coolest thing mom, please let us keep it!

I was kinda busy last night

I found this huuuuge lid! Cooh hunh?!

another of my best finds. I brought it in the house!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Thursday, August 20, 2009

somewhat weird behaviour...

Guido loves to thrash about on the cement. He says it feels good on his fur and skin. What a freak show! I would never do such a strange thing... Signing off now to sleep, Mojito

I found Bigfoots foot print!

I love hanging out in the yard! I always find so many cool things to do!

one of my best finds. EVER!

Can you beleive I found this wonderful toy? My mom even lets me keep it in the house!

a few images of me resting... by Guido

There is this chair on the back porch with a blanket over it. It is suppossed to belong to Pils but I claim it as the BEST place to nap. I wish mom would stop taking my pictures. My eyes feel so much better when they are closed! Please observe my wonderful TAIL! Isn't it great to have a tail?!

last night I found a MINT! Guido

I found this furry little mouse but when I tore into it, I found it was stuffed with Styrofoam or some other nasty stuff instead of delicious mouse meat! I am so disappointed! This always happens to me. No worries, it was still great to chew!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I had a bad night

I found nothing to bring home last night. What a bummer.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

this I love... by Guido

I LOOOOOOVE sleeping so much! Almost as much as I love to cuddle my dad. Sometimes if I climb under the covers, it feels like sleep and cuddling at the same time!

this cat post RULES! by Guido...

I love to claw it and sleep on it and just sit on it!