My Blog List

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Pils passed out on the suitcase!

look at my cool toy!

What kitties do when it is almost NEGATIVE TWO outside


Our "parents" or "owners" or those strange large cats that sometimes feed us and pet us decided that we were "moving" to a new house. The STUFFED us in cages and made us all ride together in the jeep. Then we had to spend TWO DAYS trapped in a small basement that was COLD and SO BORING. But Guido had us all convenced that there were MICE IN THE CEILING so it was kinda interesting. Then we moved into this place called "The Shitty Apartment". It is kind of FUN here tho. There are TALL TREES, a BIG FENCE to climb over and under and these creatures with fluffy tails. I heard that they are called Squirrels. But the weather is COLD and my paws get iced over when I go out side. Guido is being nice to me for once and he keeps touching my nose with his.

one day when i was really bored...

I was rolling on the floor in front of the heat vent in the bathroom! It felt really neat to have the heat blow across me!

I found some string cheese!

Friday, November 13, 2009

I slept in the garage even tho it looked like this outside!

This is cold but kinda fun to play in!!!

i love orange lids - i have found a lot of them!

hmmm, mom says that this plastic thing is a bracelet from the hospital!
lookie! an orange lid!

and a cheese wrapper! it still smelled like cheese! yummo!
and the cup is for "medicine"?

Pils practicing being a monorail cat

mom left for the weekend

and we had to stay in the garage or outside for THREE WHOLE DAYS! we had to sleep here...

i think the hanger piece is the most interesting

hanger top - kinda heavy totally cool this hose piece was nice to bite!

this piece of metal was not nice to bite!

man! i love lids!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


so like, I caught this bird and brought in the house to show mom... and she said I had to take it outside so I dropped it to see if it would fly again ... and Guido came in and grabbed it... and took it outside and ... he ATE it! So, all I got were these feathers. WTF?! How annoying!

trick or treat! happy halloween!

heavy plastic piece

and a dried sun flower.... and a plastic baggie

mom thinks its HILARIOUS that I brought home earplugs

I wish they made these for cats. Mom really does TALK TOO MUCH!