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Sunday, February 20, 2011

easter egg candies!

I pulled these off the counter and one rolled out! How fun!

baggie of goodies!

Guido loves to stretch out by the air intake ... I put my S lid there to keep him company

it's all natural, baby!

attack sequence!

I am doing some yoga and Guido is watching wishing he was as cool as me!

aren't we the coolest?

wow! I dream of things like this!

on day while mom and dad were at work...

it seemed like a good idea to take a nap in the rag drawer! We left it open to show them how much we enjoyed being in there!

you can't see me!

guido resting by the scratch post

Guido and I showing how comfy and cool it is in the tube

mom keeps chicken BONES in the kitchen!


this one is really cool... dad says it used as part of something for fishing. I like fish!

some nights you just have to have fun!

My cap! My s lid!

My green string!

My other string

Bag of fun bits