My Blog List

Thursday, December 30, 2010

a new toy!

Mom and Dad were watching TV and not paying attention to me! I found this lid-like item and played with it for an hour before they noticed. I talked about it so much! I was so excited! (They hardly noticed -SAD!) Dad says it is tape to go on a faucet and he put it away. What ever!

Licking My Chops After Breakfast!

some of my toys!

I haven 't found many new things but here are some of my old favorites.

This lid came off that big white cat box that mom and dad use. it is pretty fun to toss around...
this is a fun string toy. I like it when mom makes it wiggle...
a feather!

A springy deal I found a while ago....

My famous green ribbon!

snow! I think its fun... but COLD!

can you see that it is 4.3*?!!!