My Blog List

Monday, August 2, 2010

i love the outdoors!

i found a hose nozzle in the yard and brought it in

i found the lantern mantles in the garage

and another tie wrap!

i love the evenings!


These birds were in the yard the other night. We really didn't know what to think! I mean, they are birds but look at the size of them! They could eat us! It turns out that they live down the road and just came over for a visit to eat the grasshoppers in the back yard and freek us out a little bit!!!

duh mom!

I found the string. AGAIN!

here I am discussing weed with Guido

How can we get through the cage??!

i LOVE catnip!

Mom brought home a catnip plant. But she keeps it in a cage so I can't eat it! I try really hard tho...

mmmm yummo!

Mom left her ice cream wrapper outside. I brought it in for her!

I found my green string!

I found my green string! Mom thinks she is SO SNEAKY! She hid it up on top of the kitchen cabinets. I found this automotive part again too. Its pretty!

mmmmm! these SMELL good!

Mom says DO NOT LICK THEM! They are BAD for KITTIES! I am just having a sniff!

showing that i find a VARIETY of things!

a candy wrapper

an automotive part

ear plugs! When will they make these kitty sized?!

I'm not even sure how to categorize these things! baggies?!