My Blog List

Monday, May 24, 2010

this kitty has a blog too!

(this is where Mom and I got the idea to blog...)


sometimes when we are bored, we open the drawers under the bed and in the dresser and pull out all of the clothes.

cap to Dad's scope

(its kinda cup like, kind of lid like) I like to get this off the bench all the time!

look! its my cup!

a lid outside!

when the weather is nice I find things outside. this is a bonus because it is a lid and a straw!

daily activities....

a lid, a ribbon and a yoga pose....

I really love this little lid. Mom leaves it by the sink when she washes her water bottle. I always take it and carry it around the house...

Mom likes to "hide" the ribbon in the bathtub! But I always find it and carry it around the house.

I never forget to practice yoga on a daily basis.

Guido still love THING 2!

Guido still hauls Thing 2 all around the house. He has had this toy since 2003 when he was a baby kitten!

found my cup again!

I find the measuring cups almost every night but Mom says I can't post the same thing ALL THE TIME.....

my funnels

I have found these many times and like to carry them around the house. They are fun to spin on the floor! Mom and Dad keep putting them back on the work bench but I always find them again!

more fun with the measuring cups

This was the best morning of my life! I got to play with the cups and Mom took my picture a bunch of times! I get to show off my cool skills!

adventures with CUPS!

OMG! OMG! OMG! Dad has this wooden bench downstairs and it is COVERED in the coolest toys! These cups are my favorites... LOOK at all the fun I am having!

I am sweet!

I like to rest on the counch pillows. I can look out the window and see when Mom and Dad get home. I don't know why they keep plumping the pillows back up after I have made a nice nest...