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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

no photo op

i took the lid, er stopper, out of the sink again today. Mom said no more photos of it tho...

playing in the snow

April 13th, 2010. We want warm weather! We know it's on the way. We have chased birds!

lid and string...

A lid off a medicine bottle and my GREEN string! Mom said she is gonna stop taking pix of the green string because I play with it so much...

First CONFIRMED outdoor find of the spring!

OOOOH, check this out... I found a LIPSTICK! It smelled like flowers! I brought it up onto the lawn for mom! (I also found granola bar wrapper but Mom doesn't believe me because I left it in the neighbors yard....)
This does not fit into my usual categories like: lids, wrappers or pens. It is pen shaped though so we can file it under pens, I suppose...

Pils took off his collar and Mom blamed me!

I am beautiful!

"Even the smallest feline is a masterpiece" - Leonardo DaVinci

Pilsener's photos...

Dad thinks that Pils is a Siberian Cat. They are "kinda cool". Pils is showing off here and trying to prove that he is show quality.

I think NOT!

Costo sells kitties?

There was an letter to the editor in the paper about calling everything "organic" and that if the humane society could sell organic kitties, they would make a fortune...haha! We're organic!

inside fun....

the green ribbon I love so much.... lid to the olive oil mister. This one spins real cool. Mom put it away though...
The duster...

I have been staying inside most of my days and I keep finding things to amuse my self. Mom cleaned her olive oil mister so I stole the lid from that a few times and put it on the kitchen floor. There is also this green ribbon she keeps with her craft stuff that is fun to drag around. Sometimes I play with that one at night too. And the duster is really cool too. It is HUGE!

I pulled all of mom's stuff out of the drawers under the bed!

What a MESS! I L-O-V-E it! Guido taught me how to do this and it is the funnest game. Sometimes, we open the dresser drawers and do the same thing. I have also been practicing opening the cubbords under the coffee table. Who knows what I might find in there!

Pils and I like each other

we are buddies even though I love to chase him through the house!!!