My Blog List

Thursday, December 30, 2010

a new toy!

Mom and Dad were watching TV and not paying attention to me! I found this lid-like item and played with it for an hour before they noticed. I talked about it so much! I was so excited! (They hardly noticed -SAD!) Dad says it is tape to go on a faucet and he put it away. What ever!

Licking My Chops After Breakfast!

some of my toys!

I haven 't found many new things but here are some of my old favorites.

This lid came off that big white cat box that mom and dad use. it is pretty fun to toss around...
this is a fun string toy. I like it when mom makes it wiggle...
a feather!

A springy deal I found a while ago....

My famous green ribbon!

snow! I think its fun... but COLD!

can you see that it is 4.3*?!!!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Mom wonders where I

got such a find! It's NOT a brand she uses. She wants to know if I went into someone's house and STOLE it? Did someone drop it? Did it fall out of someone's garbage? I WILL NEVER TELL!

this is an old pic but it is the essence of me!


lid and cup

She stepped on my tail!

I brought my cup upstairs and put it in the bedroom. I sat by it and MURMERED when mom walked past. I didn't want her to step on it. But she stepped on

my TAIL!

mom painted her claws! I hope she doesn't do that to me...

i have heard that some folks paint their claws...
mom seems pretty happy with her painted claws...she hid my string, but I found it...

i like this baggie of nuts and bolts too

and i found a piece of straw to bring home...

Thursday, September 16, 2010

I moved the baggie of nuts and bolts! AGAIN!

This one is heavy but really cool! I have moved it more times but mom didn't take a pic. Note that Thing 2 is also in the pic... I put my baggie right near him!

a baggie of goodies again!

Guido is getting his vitamin D!
and I removed this baggie from the work bench again

thing 2 is still Guido's favorite!

I found this bag of goodies on the WONDERFUL WORKBENCH! Guido is stretching out. Kitty yoga?

Guido's favorite! THING 2!

Me and Guido are sharing the couch...

we like to pretend that we don't like each other but mom caught us both napping on the couch!

I knocked a candle off and mom yelled!

a cool moon!I found this baggie of nuts and bolts behind the weight machine. It is HEAVY!

I was trying to figure out how to move one of mom's candles but I knocked it on the floor....

Guido is sleeping between the window and the curtain

Isn't that hot?!!

so like dude...

Guido and Pils are having a little weed

life as we know it

it was raining so hard!

but then we heard a dog!

Guido and I are sharing the space on top of the cabinets. Dad even put a bed up there for us!

A twist tie that I found and put on the porch

Pils showing that he too is as imporant as a lap top!

Monday, August 2, 2010

i love the outdoors!

i found a hose nozzle in the yard and brought it in

i found the lantern mantles in the garage

and another tie wrap!

i love the evenings!


These birds were in the yard the other night. We really didn't know what to think! I mean, they are birds but look at the size of them! They could eat us! It turns out that they live down the road and just came over for a visit to eat the grasshoppers in the back yard and freek us out a little bit!!!

duh mom!

I found the string. AGAIN!

here I am discussing weed with Guido

How can we get through the cage??!

i LOVE catnip!

Mom brought home a catnip plant. But she keeps it in a cage so I can't eat it! I try really hard tho...