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Friday, November 13, 2009

I slept in the garage even tho it looked like this outside!

This is cold but kinda fun to play in!!!

i love orange lids - i have found a lot of them!

hmmm, mom says that this plastic thing is a bracelet from the hospital!
lookie! an orange lid!

and a cheese wrapper! it still smelled like cheese! yummo!
and the cup is for "medicine"?

Pils practicing being a monorail cat

mom left for the weekend

and we had to stay in the garage or outside for THREE WHOLE DAYS! we had to sleep here...

i think the hanger piece is the most interesting

hanger top - kinda heavy totally cool this hose piece was nice to bite!

this piece of metal was not nice to bite!

man! i love lids!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


so like, I caught this bird and brought in the house to show mom... and she said I had to take it outside so I dropped it to see if it would fly again ... and Guido came in and grabbed it... and took it outside and ... he ATE it! So, all I got were these feathers. WTF?! How annoying!

trick or treat! happy halloween!

heavy plastic piece

and a dried sun flower.... and a plastic baggie

mom thinks its HILARIOUS that I brought home earplugs

I wish they made these for cats. Mom really does TALK TOO MUCH!