My Blog List

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

really cool big pink shell!!!

play time!

this is a new sort of find. note: its not a lid. its not a candy wraper. its not a tie wrap.and its not a piece of plastic.
cookie looks good!

mom was ignoring this lid in the back yard! so i put it in front of the front door!

how cool is this?! a shovel! mom gave it to the neighbor kids!

tie wrap

i hauled this into the garage!

keep in mind that i am as big as the kitty door! and i bring stuff THROUGH it sometimes!!


look, its a dora cup for alexa! can you beleive i hauled this all the way home?!
mmmm..... chocolate for yoooouuuuu mom!

i brought this in the house to try to suffocate guido!
this was fun to play with!

a broken lid

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

mom just realized that I put lids in the same spot most of the time!


I walked in the house and said, "MURMER!" to let mom know I found some chocolate for her!

Guido found a real mouse and ATE IT!

finding all this stuff is so much fun

all that finding stuff makes me curl up and sleep
look at this! It could help you! I murmered and murmered when I found this! Its great!

Mom didn't let me keep this! It would have made the best toy!

How cool would it have been if this was a winner!
But its cool that its a lid!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Guido caught and ATE a bird!

Guido, like many cats, hunts for birds and mice instead of items! He caught a bird the other day and ate it in the garage! This is all that was left!

damn I'm good looking!

another lid!

this week's finds....

I've had a few bad nights lately.
But then again, I totally SCORED with the PINK EGG and I found
another GREEN EGG (and mom even let me keep one in the garage!)

I also really like the mint pacakge. I even brought it into the garage to make sure mom saw it!